Fig Trees, Faith and Fruit (Matthew 21:18-22) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchNovember 14, 2021November 2021, Matthew, Jesus in Jerusalem, Faith, Fruit, Pastor Ray Fowler
Destination: Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchOctober 31, 2021October 2021, Matthew, Jesus in Jerusalem, Palm Sunday, Triumphal Entry, Pastor Ray Fowler
Manufactured gods (Daniel 3) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchOctober 24, 2021October 2021, Daniel, Idols, Pastor Kevin Rariden
What Do You Want Jesus to Do? (Matthew 20:29-34) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchOctober 17, 2021October 2021, Matthew, Jesus the Master Teacher, Salvation, Healing, Pastor Ray Fowler
Power Play (Matthew 20:17-28) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchOctober 10, 2021October 2021, Matthew, Jesus the Master Teacher, Power, Service, Pastor Ray Fowler
Our Generous God (Matthew 20:1-16) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchOctober 3, 2021October 2021, Matthew, Jesus the Master Teacher, Justice, Mercy, Grace, Pastor Ray Fowler
What Must I Do? (Matthew 19:16-30) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchSeptember 26, 2021September 2021, Matthew, Jesus the Master Teacher, Wealth, Salvation, Pastor Ray Fowler