Fifth Sunday Potluck - March 30th
Please bring a dish according to your last name:
A-F - Desserts
G-O - Fruits, Vegetables, Salads
P-Z - Meats

Ash Wednesday Service - March 5th, 6:30 PM
Join us for a special Ash Wednesday service of repentance and prayer as we begin the Lenten season together.

MVP MOMS - Moms Disability Support Group
MVP MOMS meet on the first Tuesday of every month from 7-9 pm. Light snacks and tea are provided.
Navigating the world of disability (visible and invisible) can be overwhelming, isolating, and confusing. MVP Moms serve to provide support and encouragement through prayer, fellowship, and exchange of community resources to moms of children with any disability in all stages of life—new moms receiving their child's initial diagnosis to seasoned moms with disabled adult children. WhatsApp group available.
For more information:
Melissa Hale at lissahale@gmail.com
Debbie Christie at mtconq@aol.com

Lenten Devotions Due January 31st
Easter will be on April 20, 2025. As is our church tradition, we will publish a church-written devotional that will start on Ash Wednesday, March 5, and lead you to Easter Sunday.
Write a short reflection (200 to 400 words) and email it to Brittany Wallman Norman, our devotional editor, at brittanynorman23@yahoo.com (If you don’t use email, we do accept handwritten submissions, and they can be left in the church office.)
Please begin with a line of Scripture, including which Bible translation you used. Your piece can cover any aspect of Jesus’s life and journey to the cross, his teachings and sacrifices, and your own reflections, observations or revelations.
If you have questions, or would like more information about how to participate, please ask Brittany. (Email or call/text 305 813 4050). We welcome writers of all ages, and yes, you can submit more than one. Final deadline will be at the end of January.

GriefShare begins January 18th
Sign-up on Sundays in the Foyer or contact the church office for my information.

Church Workday - January 4th @ 9 am
We need volunteers on Saturday, January 4th at 9 am to help take down and put away all the Christmas decorations. If you have questions, please contact Nena Schekelhoff.

Christmas Eve Services 5pm & 7pm
Come and join us on Christmas Eve at one of our two Candlelight services—held at 5 PM and 7 PM. It will be a beautiful time of worshipping our King and Messiah through worship, prayer, the reading of God’s Word, and a Christmas message.
5:00 PM - Contemporary/Family Service
7:00 PM - Traditional Service

Christmas Cantata - 7 PM
Handbells, voice choirs and PCC Orchestra will be sharing their gifts as we celebrate the birth of our savior. Please come early to find your seat.

Santa's Breakfast - PCC Kids
Please contact Shannon Coody, Children’s Ministry Director for more information.

Forever Young Luncheon 55+ Community
Christmas Lunch Buffet. $10 Registration will go to: Christmas Outreach. Please bring a $10 wrapped ornament for our gift exchange. Contact person: Janet Weins 954-410-6066

Children's Musical
Charlie and the Cherub Cheerleaders - A Christmas musical presented by the children of our church.

Women's Christmas Luncheon
$15 per person due at sign-up. Limited Seating. Bring a wrapped Christmas ornament for the Ornament Exchange.