The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchOctober 25, 2020October 2020, Matthew, Parables of the Kingdom, Evangelism, Pastor Ray Fowler
What’s Inside? SermonsPlantation Community ChurchOctober 18, 2020October 2020, Integrity, Pastor Kevin Rariden
New Testament Believers: Something Better for Us (Hebrews 11:39-40) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchOctober 11, 2020October 2020, Hebrews, Growing in Faith, Jesus, Messiah, Pastor Ray Fowler
Old Testament Believers (2): Triumphant in Suffering (Hebrews 11:35-38) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchOctober 4, 2020October 2020, Hebrews, Growing in Faith, Suffering, Pastor Ray Fowler
Old Testament Believers (1): Triumphant in Victory (Hebrews 11:32-35) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchSeptember 27, 2020September 2020, Hebrews, Growing in Faith, Victory, Pastor Ray Fowler
Jericho and Rahab: Trusting in God’s Deliverance [2] (Hebrews 11:30-31) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchSeptember 20, 2020September 2020, Hebrews, Growing in Faith, Trust, Deliverance, Pastor Ray Fowler
The Red Sea: Trusting in God’s Deliverance [1] (Hebrews 11:29) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchSeptember 13, 2020September 2020, Hebrews, Growing in Faith, Trust, Deliverance, Pastor Ray Fowler
Moses: Identifying with Christ and His People (Hebrews 11:24-26) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchSeptember 6, 2020September 2020, Hebrews, Growing in Faith, Witness, Testimony, Pastor Ray Fowler