Rebekah – The Conniving Mother (Genesis 25:21-34; 27:1-17, 41-46) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchMay 13, 2018May 2018, Genesis, Mothers Day, Pastor Ray Fowler
Racism: A sin against God, humanity and the gospel (Revelation 5:9) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchMay 6, 2018May 2018, Revelation, Hot Button Topics, Racism, Pastor Ray Fowler
Alcohol: God’s Dangerous Gift (Psalm 104:14-15; Proverbs 20:1) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchApril 29, 2018April 2018, Psalms, Proverbs, Hot Button Topics, Alcohol, Pastor Ray Fowler
Assisted suicide: Caring for the elderly and infirm (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchApril 22, 2018April 2018, 1 Corinthians, Hot Button Topics, Assisted Suicide, Death, Euthanasia, Pastor Ray Fowler
Abortion: Caring for mothers and children in crisis pregnancy situations (Psalm 139:13-16) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchApril 15, 2018April 2018, Psalms, Hot Button Topics, Abortion, Pastor Ray Fowler
This Man Welcomes Sinners and Eats with Them (Luke 15:1-2) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchApril 8, 2018April 2018, Luke, Communion, Pastor Ray Fowler
Easter Fools Day (Psalm 53:1) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchApril 1, 2018April 2018, Psalms, Easter, Foolishness, Pastor Ray Fowler
The Rocks Will Cry Out! (Luke 19:37-40) SermonsPlantation Community ChurchMarch 25, 2018March 2018, Luke, Palm Sunday, Praise, Pastor Ray Fowler